Moments in Fashion History

Moratoire Noire

Moratoire Noire

In 1977 Jacques de Bascher and Xavier de Castella organized ‘Moratoire Noire,’ a party in honor of Karl Lagerfeld. It was to be held at La Main Bleue, an old...

Moratoire Noire

In 1977 Jacques de Bascher and Xavier de Castella organized ‘Moratoire Noire,’ a party in honor of Karl Lagerfeld. It was to be held at La Main Bleue, an old...

Soviet Mugler

Soviet Mugler

Volvograd-Moscow, 1986-1988 "I didn’t travel to the USSR or to other countries to make a statement or to champion an ideology. My goal was to create breathtaking images in incredible...

Soviet Mugler

Volvograd-Moscow, 1986-1988 "I didn’t travel to the USSR or to other countries to make a statement or to champion an ideology. My goal was to create breathtaking images in incredible...